- Salesforce Development Posts by Matt Lacey

Introducing Code Coverage: The Podcast for Developers

Posted: 2014-06-20

The ecosystem has always been well served by the community with innumerable blogs, articles and podcasts around to help others learn more about the platform. One hole that has been evident though is the lack of a podcast aimed at developers, so I'm proud to say that four weeks ago Steven Herod and myself launched Code Coverage, which is our humble attempt to begin filling that hole.

The Goal

In essence the plan is to produce content that's of interest to developers by talking to developers, both well known in the community and those who aren't so public, in a bid to learn what people are doing with the platform, what they love about it, and what tools they use. Since the scope of the platform is so large these days it seems like everybody has a different experience of working with it, and the number of different technologies available seems to increase on a daily basis. In short, we want people to tell their stories (with a healthy serving of technical detail), because we always find them interesting and we hope others will too.

Where To Find It

The podcasts are available via iTunes, but you can also listen and read the show notes at, and if you like the idea of being a guest on the show then there's a form where you can submit your details.

The Show So Far

The podcasts are released fortnightly on Thursdays, and so far we've had three excellent guests who've made for very interesting listening (see below). We're new to this game and learning as we go, so please bear with us while we fumble around and learn the ropes... it's a different world to the IDEs that we're used to.

Please have a listen and let us know what you think; suggestions are always welcome.  We've got some great guests coming up and I'm excited to hear what they have to say.

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